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Affiliate BOTS Review – Who is Affiliate Bots

Welcome to my honest Affiliate Bots 2 Review!

What I'm about to review might sound too good to be true, but you might also want to hear me out. This is pure honesty, no kidding around and being biased.
This money-making software is one of the most talked-about products that was launched last year, but still managed to keep the hype up and running a year later.
Affiliate Bots 2.0 is a newly born money-making software that will give you an access to 37 automated bots that claim to help you make money with different affiliate programs through AI (Artificial Intelligence). Sounds robot-ish enough, huh?
I've read articles that say automation software shouldn't be trusted for it's one of the "paraphernalia" scammers use, but hey, why don't we just hop on to my review and be enlightened? Sounds good?

Affiliate Bots 2 Overview

NameAffiliate Bots 2.0
Vendor: Chris X
Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Software
Price: At the time of writing you can get instant access for $17 — Click here for current price
Recommended: Yes

What is Affiliate Bots 2?

Affiliate Bots 2.0 is a follow-up software to Affiliate Bots 1. If we read or hear about the 2nd version of a certain product, it usually hypes us up and we can usually assume that the previous one JUST GOT BETTER, am I right?
That's exactly what Affiliate Bots 2.0 has delivered. They have added some dope software tools that focus more on affiliate traffic.
It was created by a guy with a very inviting voice named "Chris" but hasn't disclosed any more details about him so I just put "X" as his surname for now 'cause our guy is kind of giving me a "Doe" vibe, except he's a genius and his works/products are all over different affiliate websites and reviews. Well done, Chris.

Features included with Affiliate Bots 2

For an introductory price of $17 (that will eventually go high in a week or so), you can enjoy instant access to 37 affiliate software bots including:
  • Warrior50 - pre-loaded with all new "big" WarriorPlus launches (with over 50 sales); updated List Element
  • King of the Zon - pre-loaded with the 200 most profitable affiliate programs on; updated daily
  • King of the Zoo - pre-loaded with the top 100-200 JVZoo products (with 12 metrics); updated every 12 hours
  • CB 250 database - pre-loaded with the top 250 ClickBank affiliate programs (6 metrics); updated daily
  • Christmas Affiliate Bot - which displays the 110 expected top-selling products on Amazon for Christmas 2018
  • Hosting Affiliate Bot - which displays the top 50 affiliate programs for the huge hosting niche.
  • IM Affiliate Bot - which displays Chris' most profitable affiliate programs in the Internet marketing niche.
  • Launch Pulse - a database of all the new JVZoo, ClickBank & WarriorPlus product launches in my best niche -- Internet marketing
  • 1 Click Video Page software that instantly makes ready-to-upload video websites (12x VSLs & squeeze pages) in minutes
  • 1 Click Affiliate - creates affiliate landing pages & scripts, using proven sales templates that made over $2.6 million
  • Rapid Video Ranker - creates instant affiliate videos in 60 seconds then rank on YouTube/Google for fast free traffic
  • Auto Affiliate Ads - 2,000 banner/text ads for 1,000 ClickBank offers - instant export code to your website or blog
  • Resell Database software - pre-loaded with thousands of extra software and other products that you can license in minutes
  • AutoMassMailer - autoresponder software which lets you build your list and send unlimited emails to unlimited lists - with no mailing fees----ever.
  • FlipDB - a database of 360 Flippa websites generating $200 to $26,000 per month - more niche ideas & traffic opportunities
  • Domainaveli - find the best domain names for any keyword; run 100 searches in 1 click across 30 extensions
  • Other perks included:

Overwhelming, I know. If you've been an experienced affiliate marketer that is used to different tools to make money, I'm pretty sure these bots wouldn't be a problem.
Now, if you're new to the industry and wanted to know if stuff like this really works, I am positive you'll get by, though I would have to say that it's really complex and actually overwhelming. But, the moment you see the fruit of all the complexity, you will thank yourself— for being patient and thank Chris for Affiliate Bots.

Who is Affiliate Bots 2 for? (and not for?)

Well, if you've come this far, I assume you already know to whom this service was made. It's for affiliate marketers who want to explore some more options to earn money, video marketers and internet marketers.
I do not recommend Affiliate Bots to people who have no patience whatsoever, someone who doesn't have enough time to test services/tools, or to those who think they're investing on a scam. There is no way money will come to us if we don't know how to invest and take risks.
>>>>CLICK HERE TO JOIN Affiliate BOTS<<<<

What I like about Affiliate Bots 2

One of the things that sound promising would be the price— it's a no-brainer. Looks overwhelming, but it's definitely worth a shot with all the free software bots that you could get your hands on (figuratively). It's a version 2.0, so it's probably even better than version 1.
>>>>CLICK HERE TO JOIN Affiliate BOTS<<<<

What I don't like about Affiliate Bots 2

The fact that we cannot try it out for free if we wanted to see what it does before fully purchasing is quite upsetting. It also is a bit complicated for beginners, but it's good to know that it doesn't require any experiences and even a diploma to get started.
>>>>CLICK HERE TO JOIN Affiliate BOTS<<<<

Is Affiliate Bots 2 a Scam? (don’t buy until you read this)

It is not a SCAM. Some might not be satisfied enough with the results it gives, but Affiliate Bots 2 is most definitely NOT a scam. In addition, there's a 60-day "no-questions-asked" money-back guarantee if not satisfied, and you have the option of paying by PayPal or credit card.
>>>>CLICK HERE TO JOIN Affiliate BOTS<<<<

It's a wrap!

I think that's all I've got, folks. Modern technology has almost everything you could ever ask and hope for, you can even "download" food with just a few clicks. One of the most brilliant creations that the internet has ever made is affiliate marketing.
I know it's never easy at first, but we can't make success hurry up. We can't also do it without the help of "other" i.e internet marketing software, programs, and other helpful stuff to guide you through success. Take risks and let the rightful path lead you.

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